Verdugo Woodlands Elementary's
After-School Drama Program

Making Shakespeare
easy, accessible, and fun!
Theatre is back at Verdugo Woodlands!
Since 2012, Spotlights has been conducting after-school theatre in the Dads' Club, and we're excited to be returning for Fall 2024.
Spotlights is a program offered exclusively to Verdugo Woodlands Elementary students, where the kids will spend ten weeks rehearsing, practicing, and preparing for an originally-written play, based upon the works of William Shakespeare.
Using the characters and themes from Shakespeare's works, students will get an entry level taste of the crazy and sensational tales written over 400 years ago... but updated for the youth of today!
Our originally-written show will give every actor the opportunity to shine on stage, with absolutely NO ONE assigned to play a meaningless "Forest Tree #4" type of role.
Join us for another exciting round of silly theatre, and let's get these VW kids on stage!

Shawn R.
Spotlights is the best! Mr. Josh and Mr. Jason are great teachers and such positive mentors for all the students. They make sure all the kids get a part and everyone feels special. We are HUGE fans!

Julia T.
I highly recommend this program to any who are considering it. The teachers go to great lengths to ensure that all of the students play a significant part and have a great time. My son's only regret is that the play is now over.

Brandy B.
This is an amazing after-school program. It's truly something special, and so wonderful for all the kids. I can't say enough good things!

Fall 2024

Late into the evening, a single candle burns in a small room, as our fabled storyteller, William Shakespeare, struggles to overcome a serious case of Writer's Block. What must go through his head at this moment? What is happening in that masterful mind of his? ...CHAOS! That's what! Utter chaos! It's complete mayhem as one Idea after another thrashes around in a typhoon of madness. Tragedies are kick boxing Comedies, as Sonnets are body slamming Histories. Each Idea is battling for dominance, determined to become the next GOOD Idea! Which Idea will emerge as the victor? Will anyone be able to take control of this Bedlam of the Bard, or will this night forever ruin our writer? Someone needs to step up quick, and help rescue this Shattered Shakespeare!
● Classes are TUESDAYS, 2:30pm - 4:30pm
(start-time adjusted for different grade levels)
● Final Performance is WEDNESDAY, November 13th at 6:45pm
● All Classes and Final Performance
are held at the Dads Club
*Please Note that there are two additional dates, NOT on a Tuesday:
● Sunday, November 10th - Costume Day (10-15 minutes)
● Wednesday, November 13th - Final Performance at 6:45pm
EARLY BIRD Registration: $200
(Ends September 1st)
REGULAR Registration: $250
(Ends September 9th)
LATE Registration: $300
(After September 9th)
Payment Plans are not available
No refunds after the 2nd class (September 17th)
All refunds subject to a $25 fee
Click below to sign up for our Fall 2024 show, "Shattered Shakespeare"!
Contact Mr. Josh at
(818) 749-0103