Now Departing (2016)
38 min 26 sec | Language |
Written & Directed by Joshua Evans
Filmed in nine countries, we filmed using only one Camera Operator, one Sound Technician, and two actors. Our self-financed, four-person team started production in LA, and continued shooting in England, Ireland, Scotland, the Netherlands, Germany, Turkey, Israel, and Jordan.
Along the way we were able to shoot in beautiful locations (the Giant's Causeway in Belfast, the Highlands of Scotland, Pamukkale in Turkey), as well as capture some of the world's amazing man-made wonders and landmarks (Big Ben in London, the Wailing Wall and Dome of the Rock in Israel, Petra in Jordan). We were even fortunate enough to shoot at the first annual Men's Roller Derby World Cup in Birmingham, England.
Not only is "Now Departing" a dramedy about family and loss, but a beautiful love-letter to traveling.

Skewed Evans Productions ~ Los Angeles, California ~ (818) 749-0103